Alerts and monitoring

Custom tender monitoring, relevant procurement alerts

Keep track of opportunities in the public market across all of Europe. Build custom monitoring profiles to be alerted when tenders in specific geographies, CPV codes, keywords or buyers are posted.

Innovative suppliers win public tenders with Tendium

Quicksearch Logo
PPP Logo
K3 Logo
Logo Sigma Technology

Don’t miss your next big business opportunity

Our platform gathers public procurement data from dozens of scattered sources – so you don’t have to waste time checking each of them individually.

We’ve developed a thorough quality assurance process to ensure we never miss a tender announcement, no matter its size or location.

Reliable Technology

Software built and rigorously tested for its reliability to retrieve public procurement data.

Manual Reviews

Our team conducts daily manual reviews and spot checks to make sure nothing is missed.

Collaborative monitoring dashboards

Screen the best opportunities with your team

Share your tender monitoring dashboard and customised alert profiles with relevant team members. Improve visibility across your company on which tenders have been reviewed and collaborate together to complete the bidding process.

Monitoring unique to your business

Customize your search and tender alerts

Manage and optimise search criteria

Tired of irrelevant tenders?

With Tendium it’s easy to adjust search criteria so you get results that are as relevant as possible.

Customer Cases

There is a better way to participate in public procurement. But don't just listen to us!

Connect everyone involved in the bidding process

Bid team

Coordinate bid management with a workflow tool and powerful database built specifically for bidding teams

Decision makers

Give decisions makers centralised and summarised data, for quicker bidding decisions

Legal team

Make it easier for your legal and sales team to source answers to questions about each public tender


Connect leadership and sales managers to the bidding process with a workflow overview and reporting tools

It’s easy to get started

Start monitoring tenders and making faster business decisions today

Built with the user in mind

Tired of all those legacy procurement systems? So are we. That’s why we rely on a modern, intuitive user interface – to make working with public tenders as simple and straightforward as humanly possible.

For companies of all sizes

API and integrations

Send procurement data to your existing business and CRM systems

Support and help center

Fast in-app support and help center to quickly resolve any questions or problems

Enterprise security

Safer access with Two Factor Authentication (2FA) and Single Sign On (SSO)

Personalised onboarding

Expert help to configure your tender matching profiles and search criteria

Read more on our blog

Everything you need to know about procurements – from important information to practical tips

Data-driven bidding

Overwhelmed by RFPs? Want to improve your efficiency and automate RFP responses with AI? Then we've got just the article for you.

Elin Lööw

December 5, 2024
Data-driven bidding

To manage tender opportunities and bids as a supplier is a lot of work. Let’s take a closer look at how tender management software transforms the bid management process.

Elin Lööw

November 29, 2024
Data-driven bidding

Everyone who's ever written an RFP proposal knows: it's not an easy job. RFP writing software is developed to make the process less stressful and easier to manage. Let’s dive into how these tools can help you craft winning proposals with a lot more ease.

Elin Lööw

November 28, 2024
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